2024-25 Curling Season - Registration is now open!

We will have a full calendar of leagues, programs and events this curling season.
Our leagues run Monday-Friday, inlcuding Men's, Ladies, Mixed, Open options, both daytime and evenings.
Tag Draws, Learn to Curl programs, Rookie League, Ice Rentals, Interclub draws, Bonspiels, Clinics and more!
The season ends with our big Championship Day draws and party scheduled for April 12th, 2025. 

New Curlers - we have a Learn to Curl program that is a great way to learn to game! Click on the Learn to Curl tab at the top for more details.
We also offer a Rookie League for new curlers to play games with no pressure!

For inquiries about curling this season, please contact [email protected].


Sign up for the upcoming season by clicking the drop down menu "Membership Information" and then choosing "Register to the club" or click here!

Membership Fees

Curling Categories                                  Annual Dues          
Unrestricted Curler                                          $699                                       
Once A Week Curler/Spouse                          $599                                     
Golfer/Curler                                                    $400                                                                                  
Rookie League Curler                                      $359

All fees are subject to HST.
Fees exclude CurlOn Association Dues ($20 +HST per curler)
$100 deposit (non-refundable, applied to dues) is required by the July 15th deadline to secure early bird pricing, charged to member statements.
Remaining b
alance to be charged on the September statements for both new and renewing members.


Monday Day Men - 10:00am - Convener makes teams, 8 ends, 3-4 draws per season, beginner friendly

Monday Day Ladies - 1:00pm - Convener makes teams, 8 ends, 3-4 draws per season, beginner friendly

Monday Rookie League - 7:00pm - For curlers with less than 4 years experience, Convener makes teams.

Monday Evening Men - 7:00pm - Convener makes teams, 8 ends, 3-4 draws per season, beginner friendly

Monday Under 40 League - 9:15pm - Tag format - Open to all curlers under 40(ish)

Tuesday Afternoon Mixed Tag Draw - 1:00pm - 8 ends, beginner friendly

Tuesday Evening Open - 7:00 & 9:15pm - Team Entry, 8 ends

Wednesday Open League - 1:00pm - Convener makes teams, 8 ends, beginner friendly.

Wednesday Team/Single Ladies - 7:00 & 9:15pm - Single or Team entry, 8 ends, beginner friendly - team creation help available! If signing up as an individual please type "single entry" into the skips name field.

Thursday Day Men - 10:00am - Convener makes teams, 8 ends, 3-4 draws per season, beginner friendly

Thursday Evening Mixed - 7:00 pm - Team Entry - 8 ends. If signing up as an individual please type "single entry" into the skips name field

Friday Morning Mixed Tag - 10:00am - 8 ends, beginner friendly

Friday Afternoon Skip's Choice - 1:00pm - Team entry, 8 ends

Friday Evening Mixed - 7:00pm & 8:30pm - Convener makes teams, 6 ends, 3-4 draws per season, beginner friendly


Current and Returning/Former Members

Anyone who was registered as a member in any previous year must first sign in at the top right of this page with their email and password before registering for the new season. If you don't remember your password click the "forgot your password" text below the sign in button. You can also email us for your login credentials.


All current, new and returning former members who register for the 24-25 curling season will be billed on their August statement, which will be received at the beginning of September. New members who complete their registration after September 23rd will be billed on the next possible monthly statement, but regardless of join date payment in full must be made before you will be permitted on the ice. 

OGCC will be following Federal, Provincial and Regional guidelines as well as recommendations from Curl ON when setting protocols for participating in curling. This will dictate our actions should any closures or cancellations be required. Please note, members are responsible for the full annual dues after October 1st regardless of any cancellations or closures. The club is committing to our members the funds necessary to put the ice in and run curling for this season; in return we ask for the commitment from members to cover the costs to do so.

Auto-renewal Policy

Please note, your membership will automatically renew to the appropriate member category based on your 2023-24 category and billed on your September statement regardless of whether or not you register for any leagues. Any changes to your membership category or status must be made in writing and sent via email, or mail, before October 1st or you will be responsible for the full annual dues. 

If you decide to join curling at OGCC for the 2024-25 season after resigning, or after October 1st, there is no penalty or fee to register late, or re-register, but depending on the timing and how close it is to the start of the season you may not be entered into the first draw schedule. We will do our best to accommodate everyone, but it can be challenging to keep changing teams and schedules last minute. Should we be unable to enter you for the first draw you will be able to spare that draw and be on a team/schedule for the second draw assuming the league is not beyond capacity. 

League Management

If you are planning to join a team entry league and need a member for your team, or if you are an individual that would like to play in a team entry league, but does not have a team, please email the curling department so that we can match up teams with individuals. 

Please note, while we have many contingency plans in place to address any capacity issues, it is possible that a league may be oversubscribed. Should that be the case any returning league members who register by August 23rd will have guaranteed spots in the same league. Remaining spots will then be filled on a first come first served basis based on the date and time registrations were completed. For a team to hold their spot in a team entry league only one member of the team needs to have registered by August 23rd, but all team members need to pay their fees by October 1st or they may lose their place in the league. For brand new leagues spots will be given first come first serve. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.