Monday Day Men's

Time: 10am. Convener creates teams every draw (approx. 3-4 draws per season). 8 ends, beginner friendly.

Convenor: Dan Stencell
Contact: [email protected]

  • Monday - 5 matches at 10:00 AM

Schedules, results and standings

Monday Day Ladies'

Time: 1pm. Convener creates teams every draw (approx. 3-4 per season). 8 ends, beginner friendly.

Convener: Rita Jakym
Contact: [email protected]

  • Monday - 4 matches at 01:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Monday Rookie League

Time: 7pm. For new curlers or curlers with 4 or less years of experience. Very beginner friendly. Convenor makes teams. No weekly committment. 

  • Monday - 3 matches at 07:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Monday Evening Men's

Time: 9pm. Convener creates teams every draw (approx. 3-5 draws per season) 8 ends, beginner friendly.

Convenor: Cory Haslam
Contact: [email protected]

  • Monday - 3 matches at 07:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Monday Under 40 League

Time: 9pm.
Beginner Friendly. New Curlers welcome!
Open to all Curlers under age 40(ish).
Tag Format - show up when you are available.

Convenor: Breanna Rozon
Contact: [email protected]

  • Monday - 6 matches at 09:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Tuesday Afternoon Mixed Tag

Time: 1pm
Mixed Tag league.
Beginner friendly.
Open to all curlers.
Show up every week and teams are made before the draw.


  • Tuesday - 3 matches at 01:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Tuesday Evening Open

Open League. Team Entry. 7:00pm and 9:15pm start times.

Convenor: Cassi Leblanc
Contact: [email protected]

  • Tuesday - 4 matches at 07:00 PM
  • Tuesday - 4 matches at 09:15 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Wednesday Afternoon Open

Single Entry. Beginner Friendly. Convenor makes teams every draw.


Convenor: Dan Stencell

  • Wednesday - 3 matches at 01:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Wednesday Evening Ladies'

Players who register for Wednesday Ladies will be contacted regarding their choice between:


      Wednesday Evening Ladies (enter single entry) 


      Wednesday Evening team Ladies (enter skip’s name) 


Cassi and Lierre will review the entries and contact players potential plans for the 2023-2024 season. 

Wednesday Evening Ladies' 

7pm to 9pm
Convener creates teams every draw (approx. 3-5 draws per season)

Wednesday Evening TEAM Ladies' 

7 pm to 9pm
Skip creates team for the season 

Convenors: Lierre and Cassi
[email protected]

[email protected]

  • Wednesday - 6 matches at 07:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Thursday Day Men's

Convener creates teams every draw (approx. 3-4 draws per season). 8 ends, beginner friendly.

Convenor: Dan Stencell
Contact: [email protected]


  • Thursday - 5 matches at 10:00 AM

Schedules, results and standings

Thursday Evening Mixed

Team or individual entry, 8 ends. Each team must have two male and two female curling members. These two male and two female must be in alternating postions. 

Convener: Jennifer McGhee
Contact: [email protected]

  • Thursday - 6 matches at 07:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Friday Afternoon Skip's Choice

Skip creates team for the season. Recommended for curlers with 1 year or more experience. Team entry, 8 ends.

Convener: Cindy Werry
Contact: [email protected]

  • Friday - 5 matches at 01:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings

Friday Evening Mixed

Convenors makes teams every draw, couples remain together. Open to beginner curlers. Social league. 6 end games.


Convener: Jim and Julia Horner
Contact: [email protected], [email protected]


  • Friday - 6 matches at 07:00 PM

Schedules, results and standings